A Business no more.

It is with Deepest sympathy that the Country Journal will be closing it’s doors on future Business Ideas. In these hard economic times it would be unfruitful to jump into anything, with the vast ammount of competition that is out there. I will however be bringing back the ever popular fishing Blog, in time, when the weather becomes braw once again. So until then, I’d like to thank each and every person that has made my blogging posible (you know who you are) and to the companys who have supplied me with test items and free/discounted fishing alike. I mean, over 1,000 unique hits, spanning over 6 months is not too shabby at all. My love for fishing and country persuits alike will never die. So as one chapter ends, another one will begin. Until we meet again my fellow followers, tight lines, god bless, peace out. LJO

Fun can be had with an egg-shaped ball

Well, fellow blog followers. It’s been a busy few days down at camp country Journal. We’ve set up our official Facebook page. Head there now and give us a wee like, so you can keep in sync with all that we’re up too: www.facebook.com/thecountryjournal

Trademarking in process, I am a fisherman so I hunt for ellusive fish. I will find you.

Now onto today’s topic which is about the beautiful game that is Rugby. It was once described, by someone a lot wiser than me I’m sure, as a Hooligans game played by gentleman, with football being a gentleman’s game played by Hooligans. But hey, I’m not gonna’ get started on the whole Rugby/Football debate.

I’ve been playing Rugby since I was a wee nipper. Well an 11 year old. I think that’s young, it sure feels like it anyway with my 21st around the corner. I didn’t actually choose to start playing the beautiful game but was forced into it by my first secondary school down in deepest darkest England-shire. This was because it was part of the curriculum for sport. But after just one P.E lesson I’ve been playing the game ever since and never looked back. Well I probably would look back if they invented a time machine, but as my old Physics teacher used to say, “It is physically impossible for time travel, as for time travel to be possible one must travel faster than the speed of sound, which in turn is impossible as there are too many particles in our atmosphere which slow any accelerating machine down.” Well don’t quote me on that but it was something like that anyway…

I digress.

Over the last few years I’ve been playing with a mighty team known as Strathspey RFC. And this season we are in none other than the RBS Caledonia Division 3 North, as if you had to ask. We will be competing against such teams as:

  • Shetland
  • Inverness Craig Dunain
  • Dyce
  • To name but a few.

Photoshop wiz PJ veen is responsible for this masterpiece… Also photoshopped my logo 🙂 Cheers Brudder.

If you bide in the local area of Badenoch and Strathspey you should totally come to training one night and get involved. No experience needed, we have a very experienced coaching team behind us who will teach you everything you need to know. And don’t let age put you off either; we’ve been known to field the occasional senior member of the community! Just rock yourself down to Kingussie High School on Thursday nights from about quarter to 7 with your boots and water and we’ll sort you out from there.

I look angry here, I may or may not be constipated..

If you’d like more information head over to: www.pitchero.com/clubs/strathspeyrfc/ and you’ll find ways of getting in touch from there.

Our first game of the season was officially last Saturday against Garioch 2nd XV but was called off due to the opposition not being able to field a team. So we have to wait until this Saturday for our season opener against Gordonians 2nd XV. It promises to be a good one, so get your hoops down and support us. My Bad! K.O at the high school at 3PM.

A photo from the end of last season where we got taught a trick or too from RAF Kinloss…

Now I’ll give you a few things you need to know to support Strathspey, firstly I’ll teach you a couple of our songs. In fact scrap that, I can only think of 1 with no naughty words in so I’ll teach you one song:

There’s only one team in Strathspey, one team in Strathspey. There’s only one Team in Strathspey one team in Strathspey.

Sing this at least 4 times or until you hear people tutting. I have to give commendation to the vocal genius who created this song… Well, it’s always a fun one to sing in the Pub when there may be one or two Strathspey Thistle players around (Thistle are the local semi-pro football team).

Win or lose we’re always happy. Hope you dinny mind me using this photie Scott?

Apart from the singing you need to shout the following phrase at least once whilst watching the game:

“ON YOURSELF BIG YIN’!” Okay, so you don’t have too but it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside and could lead to a try. Encouragement is never frowned upon, apart from when encouraging dodgy hair-cuts and dodgy gum-shield colours. Mine’s is Pink 😉 that’s just how I roll…

So, anyhoo thanks for dropping by and taking a wee read. Not normally something I would write about but variety is the spice of life. Or so they say, I personally think cinnamon is the spice of life but nobody listens to me. Keep your eyes peeled for the online shop which will be coming your way very soon. We’ll be stocking such items as: T-Shirts, fishing gear and warm-wear.

No words can describe the awsomeness of this shot. Our photographer has crazy skills!

Until next time, happy scrumming, rucking, mauling and all those sweet things, God bless, Peace out. LJO


Welcome all,

so I have decided to start writing a blog…

  • Fishing
  • Walking
  • Hiking
  • Scotland
  • Equipment reviews

Are some of the many things that I will be writing about here at thecountryjournal.

Enjoy and feel free to comment.

Peace… LJO

(Here’s a nice picture of some hills…)
